Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Twitter and Spiders

I kinda find some unusal thing on Twitter from past few days.
And to be more precisely a pattern of spam messages on twitter.

Sending the Direct Messages as a spam is any how not working for spammers. But they have come up with some fresh and new ideas Kudos.

Last night I was searching for Commonwealth Games and other trending topic Laxman, to my surprise with the normal tweets I continually see the same viagra tweets coming. Its interesting as the spammers find a good way to place there spam ads where they surely get noticed.

But bigger concern is should Twitter put some mechanism to stop this, as these are the bots who were posting the tweets but they won't be recognized as the bots are sending the spams with different Trending topics and different messages alltogather.

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So here are the interesting questions.!
How can this annoying spammers be recognized , as what they are posting is completely fine in terms of twitter posting but certainly its a spam.
Twitter at any point of time is not introducing the CAPTCHA in its ecosystem.

How exactly this appears on the search screen of twitter :

Although still very small amount of bots are posting spams with trending topics.But happy that people are designing good bots and spiders to take maximum benefit of any thing ? Hopefully they can sell more products with the help of trending topics.

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